Festive Season Office & Market Update
Our office will close at 4pm on Friday, 20th December, and will reopen at 9am on Monday, 6th January 2025. 📅 Limited email support will be available until Monday, 23rd December.
We've had an increasing number of enquiries from exhibitors attending our upcoming events regarding Coronavirus.
Following current Government advice about Coronavirus (COVID-19), we are planning on running all markets & special events as planned.
The Government's advice, at present, is that events are to take place as planned and its business as usual. The government have said It's not effective to cancel large-scale public events to try to contain the virus. We continue to follow advice from the World Health Organisation, Public Health England & Local Government. Our team and those attending our markets & special events are being encouraged to maintain good hand, respiratory and personal hygiene.
We are putting in a number of mandatory requirements for our Market Traders & Special Event Exhibitors to adhere to, to help stop the spread of the virus.
The health and safety of our staff and all those attending our markets & special events is our number one priority. I f there are any changes to the current recommendations from the WHO or the Government, we will review and react to their instructions promptly.
Additional notes:
Currently, the Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Jonathan Van-Tam argued that the cancellation of events is unnecessary:
"Based on the biomathematical models of the virus' spread, the current guidance is that stopping events is not necessary. The principal places of infection are the home, schools and workplace. With the virus having a relatively small radius of infection (two metres), pubs and public transport were noted as being more likely to be a source of transmission than events. The government will look at the evidence on a case by case basis as the situation unfolds,"
Basic protective measures